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Marina Abramovic is a performance artist best known for her fascinating and often provocative works that explore the physical and mental limits of the body. Her style is characterized by direct confrontation with pain, endurance and fear in extreme physical and emotional states. She refers to herself as the "grandmother of performance art," and her works are often autobiographical and require intense physical and emotional involvement. In doing so, Abramovic aims to evoke a profound emotional response from the audience and raise questions about identity, physicality, and gender roles.

The artist has also created a series of editions and multiples. These include photographs, prints, objects, videos, and books. They often serve as a means of documenting or extending her performances, helping to make her work accessible to a wider audience and usually capturing important moments from her performances. These artworks and editions allow viewers to engage with Abramovic's physical and emotional processes even if they did not experience the original performance live.In addition, Abramovic has also created a number of objects and installations that interact with the themes and methods of her performances. These works often contribute to further exploring the conceptual and physical boundaries of her art.

The artist

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